Winter Party II - Noelle's 2nd Annual Winter Party
On February 8, with the weather cooperating, a good group of members made their way to Jim & Shelley's house for their 2nd Annual Winter Party. Those attending were hosts Jim & Shelley N, along with Greg T, Greg & Donna B, Phil V & Anita, Jim & Bonnie S, Butch & Tammy D, John & Barb B, Doug & Arminta I, Bill & Erika L, Robert S & Judie, Jeff B & Charity, Jim & Judi A, Bob & Barb Y, Wylie & Rita E, Susie H & Terry S, Dick & Bonnie P, Bob & Sherry W, Sarah L, Bill & Cheryl R, Rich & Machelle P, Paul & Londa H, Al & Terri F, and Mike & Linda T. With a massive amount of food and lots of beverages everyone had a great time spending the evening together. The group spread over two levels as the kitchen area was full of food and people. While the Olympics and IU Basketball were on the living room TV, the basement one had Corvette related programing going on. There was also the mighty jukebox playing a variety of tunes while the pool table in the basement got a workout. Butch and Tammy brought a bunch of pictures from events they attended when they first joined roughly 25 years ago. Look for some of the pictures in upcoming newsletters. Topics were many from weather and when would the Corvettes get out to play, to sports, receipts, cruising, guns, and other even stranger topics. This included the sightings of black helicopters over Dick's house, and we were sure that we heard the distant whop whop sound following them when Dick & Bonnie headed towards their home later in the evening. A really good time was had by all, with the late stayers leaving well after midnight. Everyone will certainly be looking forward to the Noelle's 3rd Annual party next year!