After Meeting DQ
Ice Cream is becoming a large part of Corvette Indy Events including a quick jaunt down Keystone to the nearest DQ to Champps.
12/02/2013 Meeting Night
It was the last meeting of 2013 and well attended by nearly 70 of our 144 members, even though it was a cold rainy night. The meeting was fairly quick with talk about the Christmas Party to be held on December 13 at the club house located at 8075 Teel Way, Indianapolis. Currently there are 66 members signed up to enjoy the evening. We also had presentations made to the founding member of the 'Out of Gas' & the 'Dead Battery Club' Dick P. He is joined in both clubs by Bob Y and the gas club by Wylie E. These are NOT clubs that everyone should want to join when enjoying a Corvette Indy event! Bob and Barb also announced that their along awaited C7 was delivered at our sponsor Penske Chevrolet's lot that afternoon, and that they would be driving it away on Tuesday morning after their receiving the delivery orientation. We also voted to hold two more meeting a year by having a second Monday night meeting in both January and February, leaving only December as our single meeting month. Lynn also brought in a sample of a pen with the 25th anniversary logo on it.
11/18/2013 Meeting Night
The last second Monday of the month meeting of the year was well attended with over 65 members and guests, with 5 new members joining that night. This now puts us at over 140 members, very amazing since renewals are just finishing up. There were a number of Corvettes in the lot, but only 4 got their picture taken due to the now early evening darkness. The meeting had a number of items covered including the upcoming Christmas party and a vote was taken to donate to a couple of more charities. Also Barry gave his last Governors Meeting report, which covered a number of items from the St. Louis meeting the weekend before. At the end of the meeting Bob presented Wylie a gas can to commemorate his membership in the "Need GAS during a Drive N Dine" Club. The club now has three members Dick, Wylie, and now Bob in the past couple of years. There is also a "Dead Battery" club, with Bob & Dick as founding members. These are possibly clubs other members do not want to join! Another fun meeting with members showing up earlier and earlier to join in the fun of being a member of the Corvette Indy Corvette Club.
11/04/2013 Meeting Night
The meeting was really packed with over 70 members & guests. Plans were announced for the Christmas party, and Club officer elections were held. The real excitement came after the meeting with three C7's in attendance a Red, White, & Blue with the White one potential new members. We also had Bob's ZR1 experience terminal battery failure. After many attempts to use battery boxes and jumper cables Brett, the Penske GM, got his tow company to send the proper equipment to Champps to have the car taken to Penske. He also arranged for the gate to be open so that the ZR1 could be put safely by the service department! Fortunately two of the member couples had driven their metal cars, so one took Barb home, while the other stuck it out with Bob.
Day after note: All is well with the ZR1 as a new battery fixed the issue, but there is also a lesson to be learned. With the newer cars with a completely dead battery, put a jump box or jumper cables on the car for at least 20 minutes as this will allow the electronics to see the voltage and allow the car to start. This was done by the service department, as Bob actually saw them do this and drive the car in to the bay. Once the battery was put on the tester it was so bad that it fully failed in 2 minutes, not the normal 30 to 60 to test a battery out. Had this been know, we could have let Bob's battery jump box do it's job and driven the ZR1 to the dealership. Again we thank Brett for his help in arranging things at Penske, a good new member to have in Corvette Indy!
Day after note: All is well with the ZR1 as a new battery fixed the issue, but there is also a lesson to be learned. With the newer cars with a completely dead battery, put a jump box or jumper cables on the car for at least 20 minutes as this will allow the electronics to see the voltage and allow the car to start. This was done by the service department, as Bob actually saw them do this and drive the car in to the bay. Once the battery was put on the tester it was so bad that it fully failed in 2 minutes, not the normal 30 to 60 to test a battery out. Had this been know, we could have let Bob's battery jump box do it's job and driven the ZR1 to the dealership. Again we thank Brett for his help in arranging things at Penske, a good new member to have in Corvette Indy!
10/21/2013 Meeting Night
The night of the C7 visit which was brought to the meeting by Brett, Penske General Manager not to DQ, but lots of fun driving the C7 in the parking lot of Champps! A great way to introduce members of the club to the new C7. Donna also celebrated her '29' birthday!
10/07/2013 Meeting Night
A group still headed to DQ even in the darkness (no picture but it did happen)
09/23/2013 Meeting Night
DQ is a great end to the meeting even if it is now DARK!
09/09/2013 Meeting Night
A super group headed to the DQ for ice cream after the meeting on a VERY hot evening. Lots of Corvettes in the DQ lot, but too dark to get pictures.
08/19/2013 Meeting Night
A smaller group headed to the DQ due to the long meeting. Those that headed down Keystone were Jim & Bonnie S, Bill & Erika L, Greg & Donna B, Susie H & Terry S, Bob H, Allan F, Rick M, and Bonnie H. The general discussions were interrupted by a total of 7 police cars racing by to a spot north on Keystone. When we headed North of Keystone we could see the police had surrounded a single SUV and had several occupants outside. Just another evening in Indy.
08/05/13 Meeting Night
A small group headed to DQ after the meeting for ice cream and more discussion of the previous weeks events. Tammy told about Butch and his meeting Linda Vaughn at a concert after the Brickyard race. He then admitted that it made him feel "13" again! While the story was being told Bonnie looked for pictures of the Hurst Shifter model, as she didn't know anything about Linda. She found some and saw what Butch's attraction was about. We also talked more about the new relationship being developed with Lincoln College and our continued use of the facility.
07/15/13 Meeting Night
A DQ run was made with several of the newly signed up members joining in. It was a good time, with literal 'war stories' being traded by another former air force member and Bob H. It even turns out that the new members, Bob & Jan, have relatives and friends that Bob H knows! The evening went fairly long until the mosquitoes sent a message to us that it was time to head home. As Bob & Barb left they made a comment about going hungry as the next meeting was a full three weeks away. They will just need to join in the upcoming Drive N Dines that will surely be scheduled.
07/01/13 Meeting Night
No DQ run afterwards but several got their beads and Barry showed off an abused cone at the meeting!
06/17/13 Meeting Night
We had the birthday boy Jeff B along with new members Tom & Pat O join the group to the DQ. Others who made it down Keystone were John & Dianna A, Greg & Donna B, Bob H, Mike L, Bill & Erika L & Jim & Bonnie S. There are also photos from the meeting of the parking lot with over 20 cars and the birthday celebration for Jeff. We learned that Tom & Pat had just moved to Avon 3 days ago and their daughter had found our meeting for them to attend. The couple is from Enid, OK (which is Dine spelled backwards so they will fit in with this group) and he is a retired fireman. They moved here to be near their daughter and to get away from the Oklahoma weather. Look for them to be along on future Retirees & Hookey Players Drive N Dines.
06/03/13 Meeting Night
Several members headed to DQ after the meeting, those attending were Lynn P, Jim & Shelley N, Bill & Erika L, Greg & Donna B, Mike & Paulette L, and first night new members Frank & Cathy C. The photographer forgot to get a picture of all of Corvettes at the back, but did get pictures of the new members car and a few of the others. The picture of Dick's walking cast was from Champps, but needed to be documented as part of this week's meeting night.
05/20/13 Meeting Night
A group headed down to the Keystone DQ after the meeting, most had their Corvettes this evening. Those attending were Darrell & Beth, Wylie & Rita, Jeff, Bill & Erika, along with Corvette-less Greg & Donna and Susie & Terry. The evening was great with a bit of humidity but still in the 80's at 9pm.
05/06/13 Meeting Night

This is the picture proof of the first night of an after meeting dairy treat being enjoyed.
The evening's attendees were Greg and Donna B, Jeff B, John B, Susie H & Terry S, and Pam & Jim K.
With the weather improving as the Spring goes into summer expect the group to become a lot larger.
The evening's attendees were Greg and Donna B, Jeff B, John B, Susie H & Terry S, and Pam & Jim K.
With the weather improving as the Spring goes into summer expect the group to become a lot larger.