Claddagh's 01/13
On a beautiful Sunday Greg called for a Dine Only at Claddagh's on Monday afternoon. With Sunday being sunny and somewhat beautiful, one was thinking that Monday may have been a chance to get a Corvette out for a bit. Even though it was 50 degrees the remaining snow was melting and really slopping up the streets, so only metal cars made it for lunch with their owners. Those getting out were hosts Greg & Donna B, Bill & Erika L, Bob Y, Phil V, and the day's photographers Jim S & Jim A. Everyone took advantage of the two for one fish special, some even taking home the second orders for their wife! We were also visited by Brett & Angela of Penske who stopped by to say hello, they could have been our true Hookey Players but did eat so weren't counted as ones. The conversations covered broad topics, with many misadventures told, but not to be documented. A great afternoon was had by those attending and everyone will be looking forward to the weekend events planned by the club members.