2017 Indiana Region Awards Banquet 4/7/18
This past year 11 members earned awards and 10 of those members earned 200 point jackets. Nine of those club members met at the McClure station for a trip north, first to the Warsaw Holiday Inn Express and then on to the evening's banquet location at the American Legion in North Webster. Those that were able to go, braving the unseasonably cold weather, were first time worker coat winners Gary & Marian Cole and Mark Hilligoss, along with competitors and workers Frank & Cathy Coolidge, Butch & Tammy DeWitt and Bill & Erika Lapham. Those not attending the awards banquet were Lou 'Luigi' Savino and Paul Oleksy. At a quick lunch stop at McDonald's in Rochester Marian showed off their new plate, which fits the yellow C6 to a tee. Upon arriving at the motel, Bill found he was the 'guest of the day' and a Corvette Indy was quickly added to the sign. After taking a break in the motel the group headed to the evening meal and awards. Along with the individual awards earned by those pictured below Corvette Indy got 3rd place in the club awards after earning 7514 points through all of the points earned by the competitors and our hard workers in the club. Fort Wayne placed second, while Elkhart was first this year. Bill also received a special recognition plaque for assisting RCD Howard Curtis through out the year. This year's Bill Callahan and Dick Satkamp award winner was Mike Jobe from the Elkhart Club. After the awards were done door prizes were drawn for the center pieces and other prizes including two $50 Mid America certificates donated by Butch in the name of our club. The group then headed back to Warsaw for a good nights sleep and breakfast before heading out in the morning for a cold but leisurely drive back to Indianapolis, with some checking out a winery on the way.