Bowling Green VIP Tour Trip 04/25
National Corvette Museum ambassador Jerry Croy set up a trip to the Bowling Green Corvette assembly which included the VIP tour of the plant before it takes an extended closing this year. The group that went down on Tuesday met at I-65's Exit 90 McDonald's for a mid morning start. There were several groups of guys along with two couples going on the overnight trip with a group of three going down on Wednesday. The Tuesday group of driver and passenger in their Corvette were Jerry & Ray Chester, Bill Lapham & Jack Houtman, Charlie Sherman & Gary Cole, Mark & Jan Rothrock, new members Bud & Eileen Mitcheltree, while Tom Piercy and Mark Hilligoss were driving solo for a total of 7 Corvettes heading South. The route chosen was basically the one used last year for the club's work day at the museum. it was a quick run down I-65 to Exit 50 then SR 50 over to SR 135 to Salem where a break was taken at the Arby's. At that point all 6 of the convertible tops went down and the single Targa top came off because the weather was absolutely beautiful! Continuing the trip with a quick gas stop for some done in Corydon the group headed on to the Rough River Dam State Resort Park where Jerry had found that a buffet lunch could be done. After the filling meal and checking out the scenery off of the patio the group continued to Bowling Green and the Fairfield Inn for the evening stay. Once checked in the group headed over to Double Dogs for libations and light food after the big afternoon lunch. After eating and a few drinks, the group headed off to do a bit of cleaning and debugging of the Corvettes. This was done in anticipation of parking together on the museum circle in the morning.
Day 2 Bowling Green VIP Trip
Day 2 Bowling Green VIP Trip