Drive N Dunk 11/30
A good group of members and Corvettes showed up at the Paradise Cafe for the last Saturday of November. It was a cold but very clear morning, with the sun glistening off of the cars in the parking lot. Those attending the start of the weekend event were Greg & Donna B, Doug & Arminta I, Dick & Bonnie P, Bob & Barb Y, John & Marg H, Kim C, Greg T. Bob H, Rich P, Wylie E, Jeff B, photographers Jim S, Jim A, & Bill L. and club friend Bob W. Wylie brought along his new C7 Convertible birthday present for everyone to check out. Actually it is a model of the one that was just ordered through Penske. Bob & Barb are still on watch for their built but yet undelivered C7. Later Bob Y sold a C5 rear rim to Bob H, with the transaction taking place in the parking lot. Everyone had a good time, with the ladies again having their own table and conversations, while the men talked about football, Corvettes and other topics of interest to them. A great way to start the weekend and give the Vettes a little exercise while the roads are still dry.