Officer Pickett Memorial Show 4/28
Shep led a group of CI members to the Boone County 4H park including Linda White, John Vess, Charlie Sherman and 1 more. Also meeting there were Al Forey, Wylie Etscheid, Judy & David Hall, Joe Travis, Harry & Tillie Barthalow and Mark & Jan Rothrock and their newly painted C3. Also there with 2 Corvettes were club members and Deputy Sheriff Ray & Nikki Heiston. There was a great turnout of over 100 cars and probably 200 motorcycles. The motorcycles headed out around noon on a trip escorted by the Boone County Sheriffs. After that our members started leaving as there was no actual Show competition, with a couple of them heading to the Crusin For A Cure show in Plainfield. Due to the wind where hoods would not stay up, Wylie's Storm Trooper was given a safe spot to sit in Al's Corvette. Also John & Linda compared notes on what to wear before arriving.