Corvette Indy Winter Gathering
A Drive to Snack & Party in our Metal Cars

Corvette Indy Winter Gathering Welcome Sign
On the evening of January 21 Bill & Erika hosted the first 'Annual Winter Gathering' at their house. As there had been a bit of snow the evening before no Corvettes were driven to the party. The group that made the trek to Carmel included Dick & Bonnie, Greg & Donna, Rich & Suzanne, Bill & Cheryl. Pat & Carolyn, Robert, Mark & Donna, Doug & Mary, Randy & Sherry, Jim & Claudine, Dean & Zoe. and Jim & Pam. The party was a get together to possibly play some cards and dominoes. That idea did not last long as there was a Notre Dame basketball game on, which took the attention of a majority of the members. Once the basketball game was over their attention was shifted to the Barrett Jackson Auction and much drooling and commenting on the cars going across the block ensued. A good evening of friends with common bond of Corvettes getting together. We are all looking forward to doing it again soon, & maybe even playing some cards and dominoes then.