Hoosier Autocross 07/08 & 09
Hoosier Corvette Club took advantage of Butch's contacts and set up a date for their first autocross at the old Indianapolis Airport parking lots on July 8 & 9. To assist them with their events the Corvette Indy timing trailer was brought out on Friday by Butch for the course setup. Later on the still dry morning Bill was there to organize the timing equipment and starting and finish location wiring. This was while Hoosier members Mike Bell and Steve Palmore set the course up so they were all ready for the weekend events. Saturday dawned with great weather after Friday afternoon's downpour, along with a number of Hoosier club workers Ci Members Gary & Marian Cole, Mark Hilligoss, Nikki Hieston, Butch & Tammy DeWitt, and Bill Lapham were there to help out. On the participant side Frank & Cathy Coolidge with there newly acquired C4 along with Lou Savino ran on Saturday with Frank & Cathy returning on Sunday for lots of enjoyable runs. On Saturday even with an issue with the printers that caused hand written tickets for the day it went smoothly, except for a delay to clean antifreeze after a competitors popped hose. The day's 500 runs were done before 4 with all enjoying themselves and followed immediately by a Hoosier Club provided chicken and sides dinner for participants and workers to enjoy. With the same CI group, other than Nikki returning, Sunday again was a beautiful day which went even better as the printer issue was solved and no issues on the track OTHER than Gary's umbrella crossing the track and causing a start hold until retrieved. Unfortunately neither Bill or Marian got photo evidence, but it did happen. With about 10 less participants and no other issues the day, even with a lunch break of an half hour, was done a bit after 1. Then the trailer repacked with all of the club's equipment, hooked up to Butch's truck, and on it's way home just after 2 .
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