Stuarts Steak House 11/21

On another beautiful day in November that made it in to the 60's the Retiree and Hookey Player group took an afternoon's extended drive to Stuart's Steak House in Sheridan. At Greg's suggestion the drive was planned for the day before Thanksgiving, but at Donna's insistence it had to start at another location due to her needing the afternoon to slay and clean a turkey (or maybe just prep the house before the big day). Bill and Erika took on the hosting and a small group were able to make the drive. Those attending were Bill & Erika, Greg, Robert, Pat & Carol, Susie & Terry, Bob (in his metal sports car), and Doug (playing hookey) & Arminta meeting the group at the restaurant. Bill drove Ruby to prove to everyone that she was back in full health after her embarrassing display of antifreeze a few weekends ago. To vary the trip some, the group headed out to the Willows subdivision to drool over the large houses, and then on to the North side of Zionsville. From there we headed north to SR32 and finally heading up Mule Barn Road to Sheridan, much to the dismay of Pat who has had enough of driving on Mule Barn. Bill felt the final part of the route was needed to get Ruby's self esteem back, since SR32 / Mule Barn was the location of the hose breaking. Once at the restaurant the group had a leisurely afternoon's lunch, with good discussion and several stories about Susie from Greg. One has to think that there will be retribution from her in the future in the form of tales about Greg. As we all know there have to be a few good ones that are yet untold, as there are about all of us. Once finished up and our Thanksgiving wishes made, everyone headed back south towards Westfield, Carmel, and the NE side of Indianapolis.