Daddy Jack's 02/18
With the driving season not quite here Jim and Judi Alvis planned the mid February dine only at Daddy Jack's to have a late week get together for club members. 11 members were able to make it on the somewhat sunny and warming day, but no Corvettes ventured out. That may change over the weekend as the forecast if for temperatures in the 60's. Discussions covered Bill Reynold's new job of artistic instructor or bartender at Painting with a Twist, where we may have a new DnD category of Draw N Drink for a new club event. See the 02/15 newsletter for more information about his new gig. There was also a lot of Car Show talk as a number of those assembled were showing definite signs of show withdrawal. That discussion also included talk of shows that won't be attended due to little chance of Corvettes scoring well, this especially included the GTO show and one in Columbus. Not to worry, many shows will be attended by the assembled group and many others in the club. The group headed for home mid afternoon with many of them planning on heading to Paradise Bakery right across the street on Saturday.
Again thanks to Jim and Judi for planning the afternoon at Daddy Jack's.
Again thanks to Jim and Judi for planning the afternoon at Daddy Jack's.