Spina Bifida Picnic, September 17, 2011

Smiling Faces having a Fun Ride in the Park
John and Diana attended the Annual Spina Bifida Picnic held at Independence Park in Greenwood., Indiana on a beautiful, but cool, sunny day, quite a change from the hot summer Indiana has had. It was possibly the largest attended picnic in many years, a welcome sight. We had some newborns attending, some toddlers, teens and "in their 30s." John supplied rides in his 2009 Cyber Gray Vette. We got lots of comments on the color as it was sunny enough to exhibit the blue metallic in the paint. The kids said their ride was "awesome." Some took rides in two's as you see the girls in the picture provided. We had great food and great fellowship, attendees from all over the state as SBACI became a state organization within the last year and are working at obtaining a director. The president was very surprised to be presented with the check from Corvette Indy, and very appreciative.