2014 Classical Glass Car Show
The annual Indy Classical Glass Corvette Club car show is held rain or shine on the last Saturday of July. This years event fell on July 26 and was again held at LA Fitness on Michigan road. Unfortunately the day started with a morning thunderstorm, which cut their car count considerably as their main focus is on cleanliness and many clean car owners choose not to attend. Corvette Indy did have a good representation though in the Corvette Classes and even managed to take several class and special trophies. Those winning this year were club friend Ross G 1st place C3, and members Dick & Bonnie P - 1st place C4, Bill R 2nd place '97-'00 C5, Chris W 1st place '97-'00 C5, Al F 1st place '01-04 C5, Jeff B 1st place C6, with Dick getting the best engine in the show trophy. After the trophy presentations and picture taking everyone hustled home prior to any rain as the humidity was way up and the skies threatening.