Granite City 12/23
Two days before Christmas Greg & Donna called for possibly the final Retiree & Hookey Player Drive N Dine of the year at Granite City restaurant just west of Meridian on the north side of 96th street. For a quickly called event a number were able to make it, including hosts Donn & Greg B, Shelly & Jim N, Erika & Bill L, Barb & Bob Y, Rita & Wylie E, Sarah L, Jim S, John B, Bill R, Judi & Jim A along with their surprise visitors of Judi's son Todd, daughter-in-law Lisa, grandson Wayne, and his friend Marie. They showed up at Jim & Judi's front door Sunday afternoon completely unexpected – from Clearwater, FL! Judi was speechless for a few moments, but extremely happy to see them. This group of 20 members and friends made for a full house at the back of the restaurant. Mike T also stopped by to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, but couldn't stay for lunch. At Greg's suggestion a few Corvettes did venture out in the cold, but most everyone drove their metal cars.