City Barbeque
On Friday November 15, Jim & Judi planned for a Dine only Retirees & Hookey Players get together at the City Barbeque in Carmel. A few Corvettes made the trip, but most brought their metal cars due to the tight parking of the location. We also found out that we should have met there at 2 or later as they were still very busy at 1:30, the planned lunch time. The food is very good and everyone had a good time, even if a bit spread out around the restaurant. Those making it out were hosts Jim & Judi A, Greg & Donna B, Jim & Shelley N, Bill & Erika L, Doug & Arminta I, Bob & Barb Y, Wylie E, Jack H, Jeff B, Mike T, Gregg T, Pat H, and guests Jerry & Betty H. We will definitely put City Barbeque on the list for return Drive N Dine locations.