Indianapolis Grand Prix 05/14
The third Angie's List Grand Prix of Indianapolis was held on an unusually cold day in the 40's for May which not only affected the cars but spectators attending. Among those in the stands were Butch & Tammy DeWitt and Bill Lapham who were making use of another members tickets this year and documenting some of the events. As part of the day's event C7 Corvette owners were invited to participate in a lap around the road course and then watch the Grand Prix from the General Motors suites. There were 10 slots available to the club from our sponsor Penske Chevrolet and they were filled by members Paul & Londa Habecker, Richard Hilton, Wylie Etscheid, Pete & Janna Davis, Jimmie & Donna Driscoll, Jim & Pam Kellam, Jeff & Kim Schilling, Rob & Angela Norris, Evan Meagher, and John Meggison. They along with a number of other C7's made a colorful parade led by this year's Camaro Pace car an hour before the big race. We also had Jim Shaver at the track working in the corners. Other members were there through out the day enjoying the multiple races and general experience of this year's Grand Prix. The first gallery is of the C7 parade and the second gallery below it have racing and other pictures of the day.
Goto Indy Grand Prix II
Goto Indy Grand Prix II