Bub's in Carmel then on to Noblesville Cruise-In

Chris and The Big Ugly!
Saturday, June 25th several Corvette Indy members met at Bub’s in Carmel for an early dinner. Bub’s is the home of “The Big Ugly” which is a full one-pound cheeseburger with a heart attack on the side. Greg & Donna B. split a “Not So Ugly” half pound cheeseburger. Rich & Suzanne B., Randy & Sherry S. and Paula W. each found something on the menu to please their palates too. Chris W. (alias “BOS” and “Big Bub”) went for the whole enchilada and ordered the heart attack special. His eyes proved bigger than his belly though as "Big Bub" delayed the coronary and took half of his booty home with him. It was a great evening and we all ate outside.
After eating we followed "Big Bub" over to Noblesville’s Square for the Saturday evening Cruise-In that we keep listing on the Newsletter Calendar. It was pretty popular and after several trips around the square we gave up finding 4 prime time Corvette parking spots and parked just north of the square. We wandered the square to look at the cars and were just in time to join Jim & Pam K. for dessert as they had left there Vette on the square and ate dinner just across the street. We also heard stories of a guy with a ZR-1 that had visited earlier and left, which we correctly guessed was Bob Y. Bob returned for round 2 just about the time we all were leaving. The weather stayed great and we had a nice top down cruise home!
After eating we followed "Big Bub" over to Noblesville’s Square for the Saturday evening Cruise-In that we keep listing on the Newsletter Calendar. It was pretty popular and after several trips around the square we gave up finding 4 prime time Corvette parking spots and parked just north of the square. We wandered the square to look at the cars and were just in time to join Jim & Pam K. for dessert as they had left there Vette on the square and ate dinner just across the street. We also heard stories of a guy with a ZR-1 that had visited earlier and left, which we correctly guessed was Bob Y. Bob returned for round 2 just about the time we all were leaving. The weather stayed great and we had a nice top down cruise home!