Main Event on Sunday
Sunday's weather brought a bit more humidity, but a dry morning and early afternoon. There was again a good day of racing with a slight change from Saturday's course which gave a little more room through some of the gates. This resulted in less DNF's and hit cones which allowed quicker times for most. There was a driver though that was acknowledged for carrying cones the furthest around the course, look for the picture of the presentation below. With the long trips home for some drivers they left after their first run, which made the second runs even quicker. The second day also brought more ride alongs that are allowed at low speed events by the NCCC rules. The afternoon's lower number of cars running allowed us to get done early, before any rain could show up. The Main Event was a great success and a lot of fun for the members to hold a NCCC event in the Indianapolis area.
Thanks to Robert S, Jim A, & John H for the additional pictures below and Mike G for the Videos
Thanks to Robert S, Jim A, & John H for the additional pictures below and Mike G for the Videos