NCM 20th Anniversary Trip - Thursday 8/28
The group headed out on Thursday morning from their respective motels. Most headed to the museum while some headed to the Motor Sport Park for ribbon cutting ceremonies. In either case the groups met with thousands of other Corvette owners that had descended on the city. The museum sign in went very quickly, not the long lines of the evening before. A good move for the group to head to the motel instead of finding a parking spot the evening before. A few members checked out the store and then stood in line for 45 minutes to check out. They also took a mini tour to get a close up look at the infamous sinkhole, with a much closer view than we got in the spring. They also checked out the vendors setup around the museum grounds with Wylie making a purchase of a new wax product he had read about. With the crowds large a small group headed to the motor sport track via the shuttle bus to check it out and get lunch from the not as busy vendors. The tent that they got to sit in for awhile also helped with relief from the heat. Once done at the track they got a bus back to their FOP parking lot and headed back to cave city for an afternoon siesta and prepare for the 5 o'clock dinner at Mountain Jacks. The drive from Cave City to Bowling Green Thursday evening was enhanced by a true 'gully washer' where everyone slowed down on the highway and visibility was not very good. Also on the way down Al earned his way in to the 'Gas Can Club' as he had his low fuel chime go off and desperately needed to get gas during the height of the storm a couple of miles from the restaurant, which he and Terri had trouble finding in the limited visibility. Everyone did get there safely with much applause for the late comers. A great meal was had and everyone really appreciated Wylie having made the reservation back in the spring on the scouting trip. Among the group at dinner were Sherry S's sister and brother in law from Texas, which she introduced to all of the members. Sadly though Bob and Barb Y were not there as their sister in law had gotten much worse and they had to divert on Wednesday to Lexington to be with her.
Wednesday Morning Wednesday Afternoon Friday
Wednesday Morning Wednesday Afternoon Friday