Mystery Drive N Dine - August 9
John and Marg H had planned a 'Mystery Drive N Dine' for several months, but as time got closer the secret was let out that they were heading to the Stream Cliff Herb Farm in Commiskey, IN. Part of the reason for announcing the location is that they were thinking that some of those going might want to stay in the area overnight and would need to make the acording plans. As it turned out no one decided to stay over, but those that went had a great time with a full day trip for members John & Marg H (hosts), Greg & Donna B, Jim & Judi A, Al & Terri F, Jim & Pam K, Pat & Carolyn H, Bill & Erika L, Paul & Linda H, Linda W and her daughter Crissa, John & Barb B, Al & Judi C, Randy & Sherry S Phil & Anita V, Chris & Paula W, Doug & Gail B, Jerry & Betty H, Larry & Joy G, Rich & Suzanne B, Rick H & guest for a total of 18 Corvettes and one metal car. The group started out from the Bob Evans at I65 Exit 99 and headed down to Columbus and SR 58 which then turns in to SR 135. Then east on SR 50 to 250E then turn North on SR 3 and go 2.4 miles to Commiskey Road to the destination of the Farm. The route that they planned was beautiful in scenery and Corvette twisty, unfortunately the weather did not cooperate as it either misted or rained once we headed South for most of the drive. While on the trip a rest stop was made about 25 miles from the start, as it was the only real location that would accommodate all of the cars on the caravan. Everyone did make use of the stop, but unfortunately Alan, having drunk too much coffee at Bob Evans, needed a second stop and with no real place to pull over in the little town we were passing through he and Judi got left behind. Fortunately with cell phone mapping they were able to make their way to the farm and not miss any of the event. Once everyone else was there, they all did head to the restroom first, the group just doesn't have the water retention capacity that it used too! After everyone was ready a number headed in to the wine tasting area and stood two deep trying the different wines that they serve. The group also checked out the gardens as there were many plant specials that members were taking advantage of. Linda, the metal car driver, ended up with a SUV full of items for those that had not brought anything to protect their trunks. John and Marg had made reservations for lunch in the Twigs and Sprigs Restaurant where many unique items were served. The Club members certainly filled the rooms and all had a great lunch. Once the luncheon was done and the final purchased were made in the gardens and wine shop the group split up in to smaller groups that headed back to the Indy area by various routes. A great day trip and a fun time with a number of new and old time members.
Thanks to John H, Jim & Judi A for the additional pictures of the day
Thanks to John H, Jim & Judi A for the additional pictures of the day