MacKenzie River 01/24/14
Jim & Judi hosted a Dine Only on Friday afternoon January 24. For a COLD day there was a great group of members and guests that arrived at the MacKenzie River Pizza - Grill - Pub for the afternoon dine and get together. Included in the group were hosts Jim & Judi A, Wylie & Rita E, Jim & Shelley N, Greg & Donna B, Bill & Erika L, Jim & Bonnie S, Bill R, Rich P, Terry S, Greg T, Bob Y, soon to be members Bob & Sherri W, plus long time members but first time hookey players Tom & Nancy S. Topics ran the gauntlet of weather to who has new C7's on order (Bob & Sherri + Jim & Shelley). Bill & Erika were repeatedly asked if the party was definitely on for Saturday the 25 and the reply by Erika was come, hell or high water it was going to happen! The snow that is coming is supposed to be over by the morning giving the city of Carmel and Bill plenty of time to make things passable. Everyone had a great time, but remarked that it was really only a Dine location as Corvette parking would be a a premium during the summer, unless the nearby bank was closed. With the afternoon winding down everyone headed back out to the cold weather that had actually warmed up to 16 degrees!