Bicentennial Torch Relay - 10/14
Corvette Indy member Mary McConnell had the proud thrill of carrying the Bicentennial torch in McCordsville, located in Hancock county, where she grew up and still has a residence. Starting at the McCordsville United Methodist Church she rode in Wylie's 40th anniversary C4 for her section of the relay with Steve Head driving. Wylie's Corvette had been pressed in to service as the torch committee only wanted vehicles older than 1998 to be in the parades. The torch had been delivered to Mary in a vintage fire truck from nearby Fortville. Mary has been a big part of the 3 year planning of the statewide event that has taken place over the past 31 days. It will culminate in downtown Indianapolis on Saturday October 15. During the final event as a Bicentennial Commission member Mary will address the assembled group for a few minutes. While waiting for the torch bearers return Wylie and Bill headed to a local brewery which Mary and Steve had recommended and soon joined them there.
Bicentinnal Commission Information
Bicentinnal Commission Information