Jason's Xmas Eve Eve 12/23
Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except maybe a mouse... Donna put on her warmest stockings with care, in hopes that at Jason's she soon would be there... The lettuce was waiting all snug in its bed, and Greg had visions of their sweet muffins and bread... Mama wore her finest and I my old cap, as I had just arisen from my afternoon nap... We limped to the car without any chatter, and knew the dog followed from sounds of pitter patter... Away to dinner I drove like a flash, we entered the restaurant and I coughed up some cash... The menu at Jason's by now we all know, the food is good and my belly does grow... Then what to my wondering eyes should appear, ten more Corvette Indy members as they drew near... One driver was so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it was Norma with Mel driving his stick... More rapid than Mustangs the eaters they came, they whistled and shouted and called each by name... Hi Jimmie & Donna, Hi Rich and of course Hi Linda; Hi Mary & Steve, Hi Jim & Pam and now let's eat dinnuh... To the counter we went and ordered it all, then back to the table where we had a ball... We had a great meal and time it did fly, we talked and talked until it was time to say bye... But first to the ice cream machine we flew; where we got chocolate, vanilla and sprinkles too... Soon it was time to head on back, as by now we were all tired and needed the sack... As we approached the car we hoped the lock would work, it clicked to open and woke Merlin with a jerk... We heard everyone say as we began to drive out of sight, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!