Drive N Dunk 8/24
A good group made it to McAlister's for morning coffee, breakfast and general chatting before heading off to multiple events around the area. Those attending the day's Drive N Dunk (newly dubbed Corvettes & Coffee) were Greg & Donna B, Bill & Erika L, John & Marge H, Jim & Shelly N, Greg T, Jim A, Rich P. Rick M, Lynn P, Wylie E, Chris W, Mike T, and Robert S (Driving a '14 Camaro for the day). The day was sunny and getting warm as the group started to break up and heading to their destinations. Bill & Erika and John & Marge headed to Greenwood for the SBAIN (Spina Bifida Association of Indiana) Picnic, the clubs major charity recipient. They would be giving rides to the children and families that will be attending the picnic. A number of the rest of the group were heading out to Artomobila held in downtown Carmel which is a major car show each year where a few our members were displaying their cars.