Exotic Garage Driving Experience 06/17
While at the last meeting the operators of Exotic Garage had given two sets of driving 5 laps in their Ferrari and Lamborghini each at the track days near the airport. One of the sets was given to the Fast Time of the Day (FTD) winner at Saturday's Main Event while another was given to a member at the meeting. That member was Bonnie Pacetti who passed the chance along finally to Jim Noelle and Bill Lapham who Julie of Exotic Garage was nice enough to let each have a single 5 lap run, Bill in the Ferrari and Jim in the Lamborghini. Also there on Friday was member Paul Habecker who took laps in both cars along with his son and a couple of friends from Fort Wayne. The day tended to run a bit late in making the runs due to some over heating and general issues. During a period when the Ferrari had to leave to get a tire fixed a SCCA Miata got to take laps giving some of those waiting a free ride along. When each of the drivers got their turn to drive they had a lot of fun taking laps and getting instructions from a professional driver. This event continues through the Father's Day weekend.
Exotic Garage
Exotic Garage