Gold Autocross - Day 2 - 06/24
Following the oppressive weather of Thursday the Corvette Indy workers were greeted with a cooler and less humid morning as they re awoke the track for many more runs to be made by Blooming Gold attendees. Along with the club's members were workers from multiple Indiana NCCC region clubs including Circle City, Hoosier, and Michiana. The morning started well with RideTech drivers along with Bloomington Gold participants warming up the track. One couple had come up to Indy from Knoxville TN and took their first autocross laps with us. They even did a bit of minor adjustments in the lot. Among those arriving for the weekend was National Autocross Champion Danny Popp, who is also sponsored by Lingenfelter along with RideTech the sponsors of Gold Autocross. Danny brought his '72 C3 Coupe which has been family's since new and raced by both his father and mother. It has been 'reworked' numerous times and currently is running a Lingenfelter LS engine. In it's current state is certainly would not score well in the Gold survivor class. With Danny was his son in their C5, who along with the Lingenfelter and RideTech drivers, continued to give a number of free rides to attendees that wanted them. The runs also started to dip in to the 19's from the previous day's low 20's. During the day Lance from Corvettes of Carlisle came by and did a video stream of a ride with Danny. Butch even got three laps with Danny and his grin did not cease for the rest of the afternoon after the 19 second thrill rides. As can be seen in the pictures the crowds were good for a Friday with 370 runs done during the day. By Friday afternoon's close the Gold Autocross had as many runs done in the first 2 days as all 3 days of last year. Of course the better weather helped numbers, but it was also the longer course that peaked drivers interest.
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