Max & Erma's
On a true Indian Summer Day of October 24, the Retiree's & Hookey Players met at Greg's house for an afternoon drive via Stuckey's to Max & Erma's. Those attending were host Greg & Donna, Bill & Erika, Dick & Bonnie, Carolyn & Dorthy, Wylie & Rita, Randal, and Jack in his Cadillac. Tops were down on the convertibles and off on the coupes as it may be our last time this calendar year to cruise unbuttoned up. We wound our way North to Carmel, did a few roundabouts, then on to Eagle Creek to SR32. From there we headed West to the Boone County line and North to Stuckey's Farm market as Greg needed a cider refill. From there we headed North to Sheridan and then back down Mule Barn to SR32, back on to Eagle Creek to Towne Road. A few more roundabouts and we got ourselves East to Meridian and Carmel Drove, the location of our destination of Max & Erma's. We had reservations so had their front room all to ourselves, which allowed for having great conversation during our good lunch. A wonderful day was had by the whole group and we are looking forward to the next one, even if the weather starts to get colder.