Beef House Drive N Dine 9/26
Tom & Nancy Piercy had done a well received trip to the Beef House in Covington two years ago and decided to replicate that trip on what turned out to be a beautiful, really warm, September day. This year with the number of Corvettes going they decided to meet at the former Marsh parking lot on Michigan road, which is also convenient to a gas station and other facilities. Those leaving from there were the hosts along with Diana & John Albright, Tillie & Harry Barthalow, Donna & Jimmie Driscoll, Cindy & Bob Hensley, Marg & John Herder, Jack Houtman, Erika & Bill Lapham, Bud & Eileen Mitcheltree, Mike & Linda Tann, John Vess, Anita & Phil Vickery, Linda White, Alan & Judy Carnahan, and Susie Hale & Terry Sitzer. The 15 Corvettes with their members were all signed in and ready to hit the road before one on the route up 421 to 47 though Thorntown, back roads out of Darlington to 231 and to the McDonald's in Crawfordsville where 3 more Corvettes met up with the group. Those joining the group were Mark & Donna Schlichter, Mark & Jan Rothrock, newer members Bob & Carolyn Shelton, along with Linda's daughter meeting the group getting into the passenger seat for the rest of the trip. Once the rest stop was over the group headed North on 231 and then on to scenic back roads to wind their way to the destination. Getting there a little after 3 allowed everyone to either get a filling lunch special or order off of the full menu. Of course when at the Beef House one has to also have at least one of their rolls, which everyone enjoyed. Due to an last minute appointment Rita & Wylie were unable to go, but Bill & Erika picked a dozen rolls and jelly for them to at least have a taste of the trip. The trip back for most was on I-74 to the appropriate exit, with Mark & Donna leading a smaller group to their favorite ice cream spot for those that still had some room left after the great meals. Thanks to Tom & Nancy for planning and executing another great trip and hopefully they won't wait another two years to do the next one!
Thanks to Jack for the wide-angle of the dinning room.
Thanks to Bob for the Ice Cream & before shots.
Thanks to Jack for the wide-angle of the dinning room.
Thanks to Bob for the Ice Cream & before shots.